
How to Be Successful on Amazon Seller Central with FBA

Amazon Seller Central

Not have to deal with picking, packing and shipping once an order is placed? Sounds like a dream! When you use FBA with Amazon Seller Central, that dream becomes a reality. But before you start, see what tips RepricerExpress has for you so you can be successful.

1. Master Your Metrics

The first step in acing something is understanding the fundamental areas that matter. That’s where your metrics come in. They’re quantitative measurements of your performance as a seller, and apply even if you’re using a relatively hands-off approach like FBA. The metrics that tend to matter most to you are:

  • Order Defect Rate: This metric measures the percentage of your orders in which you got either negative feedback, an A-to-z Guarantee claim, or a chargeback. If you can keep this metric to <1%, then you’re doing well.
  • Late Shipment Rate: If you haven’t made the jump to FBA, then the Late Shipment Rate metric is something to pay close attention to. It monitors the ratio of shipments not confirmed by the expected ship date to the ones that are, and you should have this number be <4%.
  • Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate: Any time you cancel an order before shipment, it counts against you. Doing things like keeping a well-stocked inventory and having the customer cancel an order instead of you doing it can help keep this metric at the target of <2.5%.

2. Good Customer Support and Communication

If you’re not on the FBA train, then you’ll have to handle all the customer support and communication yourself. This includes things like responding to questions within 24 hours, troubleshooting issues and responding to messages on the go.

Taking on this necessary task when you’ve already got a plateful can feel like a heavy load on your shoulders. That’s where FBA in your Seller Central account steps in because they’ll handle that for you. All you have to do is focus on the other areas of your business to keep drawing in traffic and conversions.

3. Leverage FBA into a Buy Box

It’s technically possible to get a Buy Box when you’re not using FBA, but you’ll almost always have to do so by really cutting your prices. If you’re not careful, you could gain a hard-to-shake reputation as a cheap seller or, worse, lose in a race to the bottom.

Of course, what’s in it for Amazon is that they make money when you sign up for FBA. But when you consider that the Buy Box greatly increases your chances of a sale, having one and seeing those sales roll in will instantly make you feel a lot better.

4. Increase Your Conversion Rate

Online selling is so competitive, you need to do everything in your power to get that extra percentage point in your conversions.

Using FBA can help with perks like:

  • Winning the Buy Box
  • Amazon Prime eligibility
  • Super Saver Shipping

All these features instantly make a product listing more attractive to buyers, as they see they’ll get their package in lightning speed. And all this can greatly increase your chances of boosting your conversion rate.

5. Get Protection Under the Amazon Name

When I’m shopping on Amazon and deciding between two final products, often times, what makes me go with one is if Amazon has a hand in the fulfilment process. I know that my purchase will arrive well-packaged and it’ll usually be there before the shipment date offered. Knowing that I don’t have to wait weeks for an item or worry that it’ll be broken when it arrives on my doorstep offer a lot of peace of mind — and for a lot of buyers, too.

Final Thoughts

If you’re already using FBA with your Seller Central account, the next step to take is having the most efficient and competitive pricing you can. RepricerExpress will do that for you by making it simple and clear to input your pricing rules, then carrying them out at the right times. To gain that extra edge, sign up now and enjoy a free 15-day trial.


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