Investing in an Amazon repricer can enhance your chances of becoming a successful full-time Amazon seller. Not only does it save you an incredible amount of time from having to manually reprice every product, but it also cuts down on human error and gives you many advantages over your competition.
If you’re wondering about how to select an Amazon repricer, then RepricerExpress has you covered.
What Does an Amazon Repricer Do That You Can’t Do Yourself?
If you’re hesitating over making the jump to a repricer, here are some solid reasons to get you over the hump:
- You can input min and max pricing rules, like undercutting your competition by X% when they lower their prices so that yours stand out even more, or raising it by X% when supply is low and demand is high to pad your profit margin. These rules can go into mass effect faster than you can individually apply them, giving you the best possible chance of capitalising on every sale.
- Because you don’t have to manually change prices, there’s no human error when pricing rules take effect. This means that no matter how long or rough a day it’s been or how little sleep or stress you’re operating on, there’s one less thing for you to worry about.
- Pricing changes are emotionless. You might be freaking out on the inside if your competitor lowers their price and your pricing rule does, too, but the repricer doesn’t care. It’s only carrying out rules, with the safeguards you originally put in place to protect you from risk and profit loss.
- Your ratio of labour spent to money earned is much higher than if you were manually repricing. How many items are you selling? Now multiply that by however many seconds or minutes it would take to manually adjust each price, then compare it to how much faster — and cheaper — a repricer can do it. Repricers aren’t free, but over the long-term, they more than pay for themselves when used correctly and efficiently.
- Having the most competitive prices greatly increases your chances of winning a Buy Box, which greatly increase your chances of higher sales volume and more profits. This perk of using a repricer should be pretty self-explanatory!
Great, So How Do You Narrow Down Your Options into One Repricer?
Like choosing a car, there are several factors to consider that come down to individual preference. These are some of the most common features to think about:
- Cost: As mentioned earlier, repricers aren’t free, but it often comes down to you get what you pay for. Don’t jump back at an initially high sticker cost, as it could come bundled with loads of features that would be more expensive if paid for separately. It’s like the car equivalent of paying extra to get power windows and doors, a higher safety rating, anti-lock brakes, Bluetooth, custom floor mats or heated seats. It makes the whole process smoother and more enjoyable.
- Subscriptions: Are you locked into a contract? Or can you cancel any time? Some repricers offer a reduced price if you sign up for a year, but that also leaves you with less freedom to jump ship if you find it’s not working for you. At the very least, look to see if you get a free trial — and one where you don’t have to sign up with a credit card to get started.
- Pricing Tiers: Maybe you only have 50 SKUs, and maybe you have several hundred or thousand SKUs. Whatever the size of your inventory, your repricer should have a matching pricing tier. There’s no logical reason why you should be paying a one-size-fits-all when your inventory doesn’t match that.
- Repricing Speed: Believe it or not, not all repricers change prices at the same speed or rate. Some do it in near-real time, changing prices as soon as it receives the data from Amazon, while others only ‘scan’ for data from Amazon at set intervals (like once every hour!). If your sales depend on capitalising really quick on changes, make sure your repricer can keep up.
- Marketplace Availability: This is more for Amazon sellers who sell on many marketplaces. Your repricer should have cross-country compatibility, such as being able to change prices in whatever country you’re selling in and update currency rates accurately.
- Data: A solid repricer will at least give you the option of multiple data reports, even if you don’t use them all the time. But having at your fingertips data on what your competitors do, how prices have changed over various timeframes and filtering for various factors really helps you grow and gain more sales.
Final Thoughts
We might be a little biased being RepricerExpress and all, but once you’ve sat behind the wheel of a Ferrari, it’s hard to go back to a 4-cylinder sedan. Best of all, we tick off all the boxes that a desirable repricer should have: affordable pricing tiers, easy commitment, a ton of variety in features and options, and more data than you can shake a stick at. And because we believe in trying something for free before investing in it, you’ll start off with a no-hassle free trial when you sign up now.